Ring ring
>Bot Commands<

Room Commands
Join Name_room@conference.nimbuzz.com

Room Leave Commands
Leave name_room@conference.nimbuzz.com

Room Exit Commands
Exit (only tpye exit)

Antikick Commands
autosend Your Massages 200
Exmaple: autosend Welcome Friends 200
Note:-Give 4/5 antikick massages to ensure bot online Long time

Welcome Commands
Greetex none=Wellcom %NICK% (for users)
Greetex member=Wellcome %NICK% (fr membrs)
Greetex admin=Wellcome %NICK% (fot admins)
Greetx owner=Wellcom %NICK% (for owners)
NOTE:- you should put %NICK% wherever You want)

Make Mafia Commands
O@ Id (make Owner/Example:- o@ !afghan)
A@ Id (make admin/Example:- a@ !afghan)
M@ Id (make member/Example:- m@ !afghan)
K@ Id (kick someone/Example:- k@ !afghan)
B@ Id (ban someone/Example:- b@ !afghan)
V@ Id (make visitor/Example:- v@ !afghan)
P@ Id (make participant/Example:- p@ !afghan) Ub@ Id (unban /Example:- ub@ !afghan)
Um@ Id (unmember/Example:- um@ !afghan)

Others Commands
Scan (Room scan command)
.avatar Id (Get display picture)
.lk (lock room/bot id most be owner)
.unlk (unlock room)
Spy Id (Spy user/Example:- Spy !afghan)
ww 1to24 (check room users)
love% (Example:- Love% pree yesh)
Profile Id (get profile/Example:- profile !afghan)

وبلاگ استت

| وبلاگ
Homes 2
Writer: arif.afghanboy@nimbuzz.com